It’s Complicated.

Ok so we’ve all heard the “It’s not you, it’s me” line, haven’t we? It’s a line I never thought I’d ever believe….. That was until yesterday.

So I guess I should set the scene a bit. I’ll call him Kane for the sake of his privacy. We share the same social scene, in October 2011 we became Facebook friends, fairly quick we hit it off… Happy days I thought, a decent guy!

Well this is where it gets complicated… I come to find out he’s fresh out of a messy divorce… One that left him with his bipolar pet cat that I can only compare to ‘grumpy cat’ of recent meme fame. I also let him into the fact I’m a single mum AND have my son full time.

Fast forward six months, I express my feelings to him, after obvious rejection I accept this is just a good friendship and that it’s that or nothing.

Now I confided in Kane this whole time, telling him my inner thoughts and he his.

So this brings us to February 2013, close to 18 months after our friendship began, I noticed his words became softer and his looks different. I was thinking “Geez Laini, don’t fall for him again.” Well guess what I did… I started hinting at my feelings, both subtly and not so subtly.

Cue yesterday, he admitted he has feelings, I admitted the same. I thought this could be the start of something awesome!

But then came the buts…. He began with but I don’t want to lose everything again, but I can’t be a father figure, but I don’t know what I want. Now for me I wasn’t going to beg but really he’s letting one bitch of an ex wife get in the way of something amazing… And I know it would be.

So I’m going to hang around and see what happens.

Moral of the story – I hope good things come to those who wait.

Ps I actually believe it’s him, not me.

Laini x


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