I. Have. Depression.

I have depression.

There I said it. For the second time. Ever.

On Friday, I went to my GP and I mumbled the word

I think I have depression.

She asked why I thought that and through the tears I admitted to 11 years of self harm, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of worthlessness. More recently uncontrollable crying and feeling totally out of control.

So why am I writing this? It’s certainly not for pity.
It’s to encourage people that feel like this for 3 months to get some help. I waited 11 whole years. 11 years between the moment I put that knife to my thigh and the moment I admitted I had a problem.

Never let it get that bad. The relief I am already feeling is amazing. I have just started on anti depressants and will be seeing a psychologist.

The more we talk about this, the less stigma there is associated with it.

So today I stand up and say I have depression.